Kaldr Fólk
(Anthology) A viking warrior is turned draugr after his violent death during a raid. He’s also cursed by his killer, a foreign concubine that he slayed in the same moment. Laden with a strange burden from a faraway land, the draugr’s mere existence of being haunted by the phantom woman triggers an unraveling of world mythologies. Turmoil arrives for his Norse gods.
Odin, master of the Wild Hunt, discovers that a usurper has stolen his seat during the confusion, and wreaks havoc throughout the world and other mythologies. Powerless to stop the thief with his divine limits, the Allfather tasks the shamed draugr to follow the Wild Hunt wherever it appears, and restore order before all is lost.
STATUS: Target TBD, Revising First Story/Planning
# of Stories: TBD